Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Allegheny Reservoir Posted by Picasa

Clouds rising from the forest Posted by Picasa

Dense forests - all we saw was a raccoon and a skunk Posted by Picasa

Alaska, anyone ? Posted by Picasa

A mass Patelscope - from the left : Shubho-da, Mithu, Shaswati, Ankur, Suman, Paddy, Ambarish, Dipanjan. Courtesy: Samsiddhi Bhattacharya Posted by Picasa

The creek out of Willow Bay beside our campsite. This can be a full fledged arm of the reservoir when the rains are good. The size of the Allegheny Reservoir can change dramatically with rain. Posted by Picasa

Creek 2 Posted by Picasa

A belated barbecue

With rainwater dripping on charcoal and a limited supply of lighter fluid, the only reason we got a fire going was because of Shubhoda (the bellows) and Mithu (the tongs). Not to forget the contributions of everyone else, though.  Posted by Picasa

Chhatradhar - Ankur
Chhatrapati - Suman
Extras - Som, Ayanda, Mithu Posted by Picasa

The spread Posted by Picasa

Charcoal, lighter fluid, chicken legs, marinade ... faith, trust and a little bit of ... Posted by Picasa

The couple from Kent Posted by Picasa

The official food taster Posted by Picasa

Can you smell it ? Posted by Picasa

The 3 musketeers - Dipan, Suman and Ayan(da). Posted by Picasa

Griho korme nipun Amit Posted by Picasa

Accumulated rainwater on the covering is about to drench Paddy ... Posted by Picasa

Finishing up Posted by Picasa

Un-pitching the tents Posted by Picasa

We leave the campground after 12 hurried hours - 2 am to 2 pm Posted by Picasa

Off again

Fancy living here ? No cellphones, though. Posted by Picasa

Stormclouds Posted by Picasa


The Rimrock area - the forest here is soothing to the eyes Posted by Picasa

On the go .. we couldnt hike the Rimrock due to driving rain Posted by Picasa

Ferns and tree groves at the Rimrock area Posted by Picasa